Sunday 18 July 2021

Warhammer 40K: Sisters of Battle

 Good day folks,

A quick post showing off a new army I am progressing with for a campaign. The mighty sisters of battle!

Thursday 2 April 2020

Update and 30k Thousand Sons

Hi guys,

Looking back over the old posts from two years ago got me thinking. So much has changed in my life so quickly that this blog got relegated. With the prospect of being forced to stay home I know I will fall into the hobby for an escape and a chill out from the madness occurring the real world.

I decided it’s time this thing got updated and I start posting again. Why not. There will be plenty of peeps in the same boat looking for an escape too so...

My hobby has been ongoing moving from system to system and expanding new and old armies alike so there is a lot to try an cram into this so I am going to pick one I am doing or have done recently and will go from there.

First up I started a new army. Once the firm I worked for and I parted ways I had both capital and time on my hands so what better thing to do than start a new army. Not just any army. Oh no fully Forgeworld Thousand Sons army. True my new job eats even more of time but I am definitely happier now. Oh yes. The rules had dropped and the models are superb (slightly less so than the new Dark Angels but such is life) so I did it. 2018 saw me buy, build and paint decent size 30k army. One which I am working on still and have added new units to it will plenty to build and paint yet.

With every army I want to learn a new skill so for these I decided I would learn the art of airbrushing. I wanted the candy apple red look which looks great if it’s done right so it’s been (still is) and interesting learning curve! Anyhow enough of me rambling let’s see some models!!

Hope you enjoy. I will do army photo shoot soon and get some good photos to post up.

Capt T

Saturday 5 August 2017

Epic Age of Sigmar Battle at Warhammer World

Hi guys,

Myself and the rest of the first company took a trip out to Wathammer World to play a huge game(s) of Age of Sigmar.

We had a blast and below are some photos taken on the day!

Thursday 29 June 2017

NEW Astral Knights Chapter (Primaris Chapter)

Hi guys, so Dark Imperium has landed and having already a got a huge collection of Blood Angels and Imperial fists I decided I wanted a new chapter.

I scoured the internet looking for an ideal chapter. I knew I wanted either a quartered or halved armour colours to test myself and I come across the Astral Knights chapter. The silver and blue looked cool and they were extinct so would be ideal for an entire Primaris army to be based upon it. I read more and discovered that the Sable Swords chapter had taken stuartship over the chapter monestary. Interesting.... maybe a merger of chapters happens.

So I wrote some fluff below and the Astral Knights are back! At the bottom is the new colour scheme and a test model.

Astral Knights Chapter

A New Beginning:

“Because, my Lord, you are under strength and the Lord of Terra demands your compliance” snapped Caden.

Caden was a short man and the Astartes towered over Guillimans envoy. He didn’t fear the Astartes. He having had this conversation nearly a hundred times before knew how it would progress. Some of the Chapters took to the reinforcements with open arms, some did not, but all accepted that orders are orders and the survival of mankind is more important than selfish pride. Well they did eventually.

Sometimes two warriors fought to satisfy honour. One a Mars born Primaris. The other a Chapter champion. It was bloody but it was the ancient way of settling the slight. This was not one of those occasions thankfully.

The Sable Swords chapter had just returned to regroup after decades of defending the realm against first the Necrons and then the upstart Tau. Their numbers now a mear hundred warriors and the death of their chapter master on the last campaign has put the chapter and its new commander, Captain Volder of the 3rd, in an impossible position.
“What will become of my chapter Caden?” the deep growl of Volder softening to almost resignation.

“You will fight with the Astral Knights. You and your brothers will fight for me, for the Imperium, for the Emperor and for Guilliman in his Indominus Crusade” Answered the Primaris Chapter Master Abarron Nadim.

Nadim towered head and shoulders above Volder. His plate was the latest mark of gravis power armour. The stark black of Volder’s own armour was mirrored in half of Nadim’s. The other half the recognisable colours of the Astral Knights chapter long since dead but now shone bright. His sword hung at his waist he rested his hand on the hilt. His authority was not to be questioned.

The final battle of the Astral Knights was against the Necron forces on the World Engine. The Astral Knights sacrificed their chapter to destroy the World Engine many centuries ago. The story was still told within the Sable Swords chapter. The chapter was raised and took stewardship from the decimated Astral Knights. Now they have returned to reclaim the honour of garrisoning Obsidia.

“Submit to this Captain and lead the remaining Sable Swords in service alongside the warriors of the renewed Astral Knights” Nadim pointed to the archway of the entrance to the fortress monastery. A Huge figure of a dreadnought lurked in the shadows.
“Brother Thade. Come forth and be reunited with the legacy of your chapter”
The hulking form stomped forward. The Redemptor pattern dreadnought was huge and impressive. It was a new machine for a new age.  Bigger, stronger and faster... fitting for the Primaris marines thought Volder. The same stark black and silver colours covered the massive machine.

Thade was the last remaining Astral Knight discovered by a Blood Angel contingent in a crippled state. The dreadnought was returned to Mars and Cawl remade Thade into what he is today.

Thade was a formidable warrior and he is a legend within the Sable Swords. For when they came to replace the original Astral Knights the dreadnought and what few marines that was left of his chapter embarked on a crusade across the stars. Honour demands respect for the warrior and what he represents.

“Captain” a mechanical almost human voice echoed though the chamber from speakers on the Dreadnought. The mighty war machine nodded as best it could and Volder returned the greeting.

“We know of you Thade. It is a great honour to see you still in service of the Emperor” Volder returned his attention to Nadim.

“The Astral Knights have returned to the stars. A thousand strong ready to take the fight to xeno, heretic and daemon. Let’s forge a new history together my brothers and show the enemies of mankind the Imperium is far from dead and we will rule the stars again!” The remnants of Sable Swords gathered as Nadim spoke.

Nadim drew his sword and pointed the tip to the floor. "Captain. Will you pledge yourself to this? Will you take the Oath of moment in the presence of all us present?”

Captain Volder looked to his men. They mostly nodded approval. Some looked away. He turned and knelt before Nadim placing his hand on the blade in front of him and made his pledge to serve the new masters of Obsidia.

The Astral Knights had returned.

Friday 9 June 2017

Warhammer World 2017

Finally managed to get the wife and my daughter to Warhammer World. It was a great adventure.

Below are a selection of what we got upto but I can not recommend the place enough. Well worth a visit for the exhibition areas alone...

Don't forget to try the onsite Dwaven themed bar called Bugmans for some grub and a pint.


Capt Tycho