Sunday, 25 August 2013

Empire Army Update 2

Hi there,

I bought another set of gunners and some more movement trays. Once I assembled the gunners, I thought I would get the donated army (thanks Al) and my assembled battle force out and see whats what. So I could make some movement trays to suit.

There was an old battle wagon in the box, so I decided to have a go coverting it into a war alter. With only a few warhammer bits to use it was a little tricky. I used spare horse heads, a spare mortar and some shields. I built up a podium from a spare bit of a movement tray for the Arch Lector to stand on. I am thinking of buying the warrior priest reading from a book to use. I have included a picture below of the conversion.

I added up the units and we are now just over 3000 points. I have included some photos below.


Friday, 23 August 2013

14000 points of Blood Angels

A quick post this time.

My Blood Angels have existed, in one form or another, since my first few games during 2nd Edition way back in 1993. I was only 10! I remember eagerly awaiting my birthday and openning that huge box... Truely, a life changing event for me.

The marines in that box where subject to some of the worst painting ever. Think monkey painting with it's tail. These lucky guys have been painted no less than three times since then. Thanks to the advent of better paint, washes and skill these guys still form the rank and file of my army.

Its hard to imagine my life without wargaming in it. 40k has been in my life for well over 20 years thanks to Space Crusade and the much beloved 2nd edition box set. Some heretics would nay say the hobby but its not all gaming. Its a social event. It encourages co-operation, hand eye skills, art (or butchery), using your brain, maths, sportmanship, reading, winning and losing. Its also rather good fun! It should be on every schools curriculum!

Anyhow, below is a few snaps of my BA army now as it stands. There is a full battle company present with transports. Every special character and tons of vehicles. Over 14000 points worth and counting. Enjoy


Sunday, 18 August 2013

Painting miniature faces tutorial

Well I promised a face painting tutorial so here it is...

This is a simple and fast way to paint miniature faces.

Step 1: Begin with a black undercoat (some people use white) I use Abaddon Black.

Step 2: Block out the face in desired base colour. I have used Ratskin Flesh.

Step 3: Once dry, wash the entire area with a suitable wash. I have used Reikland Fleshshade.

Step 4: Once dry apply the same base colour from step 2. Apply this to the areas that catch the light. You should aim to leave some of the previous colour showing around the ears, nose and mouth. If you look at the model under a light source its clear where you need to highlight. The first picture below shows where the light would naturally hit the model.

Step 5: Use the same colour from last step and highlight with 50-50 mix of your highlight colour. In my example, this is an equal mix of Ratskin Flesh and Elf Flesh. This is applied to the cheek bones, lips, brow, chin, ears and nose leaving quite a bit of the previous colour showing to give depth.

Step 6: A final thin layer of your chosen highlight is applied to the tip of the nose, cheek bones, chin and lips. I used Elf Flesh. At this point block out the eye sockets with a light grey. I used Astronomican Grey. White is too strong a colour and looks unnatural.

Step 7: Pop a pupil on the eyes with Abaddon Black. Try to put the pupil on the same area of the eye so you guy does not look cross eyed! Make sure the pupil touches the top and/or bottom of the blocked out eye or you will end up with a rather surprised looking miniature!! At this point I washed a small amount of Baal red on the nose and lips. For a model straining you could also apply it to the cheek bones.

Extra Tips: For dark skin use a darker skin tone wash and highlight. For the wash at the end us a purple instead of red.

For older looking models add a little grey into your mixes in step 5 and 6 and do two coats of the red wash on its nose.

Female faces should not be washed the same during step 7 instead wash only the lips.

I hope this is of use to you and like I said it's a simple way to do it.


More Horus Heresy at Warhammer world

More photos from Warhammer world...

Empire Army

Hullo. This is a quick post to up date you on my Empire Army. Why do Empire? Guns lots of guns! I have based my army on Napoleonic era colour schemes. Not very original but should look cool.

I have more or less finished my first unit of gunners. I just need to finish up the banner.

The green coloured dude is my attempt at a light company that are based on the old gunner models. In Empire you can have detachments. So units of 5 of these can be taken with each unit of 10 gunners.

The cannon team is the first of three. I love how it works and it is effective against anything!

I will be doing a tutorial on how I paint faces in the next couple of days.
